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Testimonials from Students

"Jyoti's teaching is so rich: not only clear and masterful instruction in asanas and alignment, and guidance into the meditative and reflective aspects of yoga, but also the soul-transporting beauty of her music that is artfully woven into every class. It's my favorite way to realign my mind, body and spirit."   K. R.

"I recently attended one of your classes at the Finger Lakes Yoga Festival. I was so very impressed with your class. Sorry, I did not have a chance to tell you in person after class, but wanted to reach out to you today, and simply thank you for the wonderful experience. I would love to follow you, and find out when and where you will teach again, so I can be there to learn more from you, and experience such Yoga bliss. (You should know, that while sitting around the campfire on Friday night, the Yoga instructors were all talking about you. I said, 'who is Jody Kessler' and they said, 'you must take her class and find out!'

Now, I understand why. Thank you for sharing your gift with me, and rest of the world. Look forward to the next teaching. " P.M.

I have been practicing yoga at the Temple of Joy Sanctuary for over a year now and simply love it. About 20 months ago, I moved to Ithaca and was searching for a yoga studio something like I had left in my old location. After a few months, I came across Jyoti Kessler who is the yoga instructor. I thought I was in heaven and so blessed that i found her. Her classes are very professionally run with expert guidance and as a bonus she sings or chants at each class. I have learned so much from her and am very grateful to be at her classes expanding my growth....


 "I look  forward to my weekly yoga class--you make it a time  that is reflective and inspirational for me, and challenging as well."   L.C.

Thank You Jyoti!!!  Your class was a welcome balm yesterday.   And I so loved the way you brought awareness and understanding of the different body sheaths and the whole of Self experienced. And I also appreciate your playing and chanting!  Looking forward to more...   D.M.

"Jyoti's teaching is many faceted, totally absorbing---in all, a rich experience."   M.B. 

"The yoga studio is beautiful, both inside and outside the windows. Jyoti always leads an amazing Hatha Yoga class, always different, and always “flexible” for one’s personal level of practice. She offers more challenging postures for those who would like that, but also less challenging poses, so one can always make it THEIR OWN practice at their level of comfort. Just excellent in every way."  B.R.

© 2019 In the Moment Productions

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